Construction Update 11-17 to 11-30

Areas referenced below can be located on this map

Work completed 11/17 through 11/23:
  • 6 to 8 bore crews on-site plus one fiber pulling crew and one splicing crew.
  • Bored 634 feet on Cedar Drive (Sugarloaf PON)
  • Bored 850 feet on N Territorial Road (Wild Goose PON)
  • Bored 6,744 feet on Hadley Road (Wild Goose PON)
  • Bored 209 feet on 4th Street (Wild Goose PON)
  • Bored 367 feet on 2nd Street (Wild Goose PON)
  • Bored 1,439 feet on Wild Goose Lake Road (Wild Goose PON)
  • Pulled 5,130 feet of fiber in Sugarloaf PON and 5,416 feet of fiber in Long Lake PON
  • Spliced fiber in Central Office and Boyce PONs
  • 28 new drops this week (totals to-date: 225 total drops – 82 in Werkner PON, 56 in Island Lake PON, 67 in Central Office PON and 20 in Boyce PON)
  • Spliced 0 jobs (totals to-date: 132 spliced – 81 in Werkner PON, 50 in Island Lake PON and 1 in Central Office PON)
  • 22 new home installations (totals to date: 108 with broadband – 70 in Werkner PON, 37 in Island Lake PON, and 1 in Central Office PON (Township Hall))
Work to be completed 11/24 through 11/30 (3 days only due to the Thanksgiving holiday):
  • 7 bore crews on-site plus one fiber pull crew and one splicing crew
  • Bore on Cedar Drive (Sugarloaf PON)
  • Bore on Sugarloaf Lake Road (Sugarloaf PON)
  • Bore on M-52 (Long Lake PON)
  • Bore on North Territorial (Wild Goose PON)
  • Bore on Hadley Road (Wild Goose PON)
  • Bore on Wild Goose Lake Road (Wild Goose PON)
  • Bore on First Street (Wild Goose PON)
  • Bore on Bartell Road (Bruin PON)
  • Continue to pull fiber in Sugarloaf and Long Lake PONs and splice fiber in Central Office PON
  • Continue drop installations in Werkner, Island Lake, Central Office, and Boyce PONs
  • Continue home installations in Werkner and Island Lake PONs
There are four basic phases of work in bringing internet service to your home:
  • Mainline Boring
  • Mainline Fiber Installation
  • Drop Installation (bringing fiber cable from the road to the side of each home)
  • Home Installation (bringing fiber into you home and attaching to network router)

Here is the current status for zones or PONS that are in progress.

Mainline Boring complete
Mainline Fiber Installation complete
Drop Installations 98% (82) complete
Home Installations 83% (70) complete
84 Subscribers

Island Lake
Mainline Boring complete
Mainline Fiber Installation complete
Drop Installations 82% (56) complete
Home Installations 54% (37) complete
68 Subscribers

Central Office
Mainline Boring 98% complete
Mainline Fiber Installation 88% complete
Drop Installations 85% (67) complete
Home Installations 1% (1) complete
79 Subscribers

Mainline Boring complete
Mainline Fiber Installation 95% complete
Drop Installations 16% (20) complete
123 Subscribers

Mainline Boring 91% complete
Mainline Fiber Installation 26% complete
114 Subscribers

Long Lake
Mainline Boring 96% complete
Mainline Fiber Installation 41% complete
80 Subscribers

Wild Goose
Mainline Boring 57% complete
Mainline Fiber Installation 21% complete
45 Subscribers

Posted in Uncategorized, Updates.