Construction Update November 30 2018

Staking completed:

Central Office zone (Greystone Drive), Long Lake zone (Chestnut Lane, Hickory Lane, Stonehill Drive, Bauer Court), Sugarloaf zone (Sugarloaf Lake Road (partial), Cedar Drive), Ellsworth zone (Ellsworth Lake Road (partial), Roepke Court, Medina Drive)

776 feet bored and conduit placed in ground on Stoney Ridge Road (Werkner Zone)

30 reels of duct received at Canton warehouse

Staking to continue on private roads.  Staking and construction may be experience temporary delays due to unforeseen conditions.

First batch of fiber to be ordered

Two drill crews on site to finish boring on Stoney Ridge Road (Werkner zone) and Greystone Drive (Central Office zone)

Permits are expected for the following WCRC roads:

Werkner Road
Island Lake Road
N Territorial Road
Mester Road
Waterloo Road
Island Lake Drive
Lindley Road
Rex Road
Stofer Road
Roe Road
Jaycox Road
Farnsworth Road

Permit applications to be submitted for another 10 WCRC roads

Posted in Updates.