Broadband Project Update April 19, 2018

With the hiring of CCG as the project consultant and Finley Engineering to provide engineering services, the broadband project has made significant steps forward. In addition to having CCG and Finley on board, the selection of an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to deliver internet services on the network is nearing completion. Four firms have replied to the township’s Request for Information and the ISP selection subcommittee conducted in person interviews with each firm. The subcommittee is currently working with the firms to gain clarifying information about each of their proposals, and in the coming weeks the Implementation Committee will make a recommendation to the Township Board as to the best candidate.

Finley Engineering is currently creating a detailed design of the fiber optic network in the Township and identifying the specific routes where the fiber optic cables will be installed. Much of the cable will be installed along the right of way adjacent to county roads and the single state road (M52) in the township. We are working with the Washtenaw County Road Commission and the Michigan Department of Transportation (DOT) to determine the exact location of the cable in the right of way and begin obtaining the necessary permits for this work. Permitting is also underway with the DNR and DEQ.

There is also significant amount of cable that will be installed along private roads. Residents on private roads will be provided with information on the process for installing cable on their roads soon.

Within the next few weeks you will see engineering crews working along our roads to “stake out” the path of the fiber installation. They will be using vehicles clearly marked as Finley Engineering and will have Finley ID badges. This staking will be the first visible signs we will see of the project progress and will mark the fiber routes for construction scheduled to begin this summer.

The design and routing work of the engineering firm, the selection process and hiring of the ISP, and consultation with the road commission DOT, DNR and DEQ are yielding significant information. Moving forward, all of this information will be reviewed and integrated to update the project timeline. This update work should be completed within the next 4-6 weeks.



Posted in Updates.